Urps | Dipartimento Parole Imparavolate
Rubrica settimanale su la Domenica del Sole 24Ore 2016-2017
Urps | Chatty Word Department
Columns published in the culture insert of the national newspaper Sole24Ore 2016-2017
“TOROTELLA” Noun: Poorly talented musician
Urps | Ufficio Resurrezione Parole Smarrite
Rubrica mensile su Altroconsumo 2015-2019
Urps | Office for the Resurrection of Lost Words
Columns published in the Italian monthly magazine Altroconsumo 2015-2019
URPS | Altroconsumo 2015 | “MARAMALDO” Overbearing
Fabrizio Maramaldo was an Italian mercenary who killed Florentine captain Francesco Ferrucci, already unarmed and grievously wounded, during the Gavinana war (1530). The term maramaldo was thus coined to describe someone in a position of power who exploits this to inflict harm on others in a weaker position. A hideous story, especially since many would be capable of such maramaldi actions, safely hidden behind a suit of armour.